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Boing!. Staff members. Boing!.

As the about page states, most talkers have staff to keep things running smoothly. The staff of Amiga Forever are listed below, if they have Amiga experience then this will be noted. Click on the rank names to find out more about each rank, click on linked names to find out more about that particular staff member.

Rank. Rank Name. Name. Amiga user?
Hard Coded Admin. HCAdmin. Dave. Yes!
Hard Coded Admin. HCAdmin. Martyn. Yes!
Hard Coded Admin. HCAdmin. RosseForp. Yes!
Admin. Sabrina. Mia. No.
Admin. Sabrina. Tiddles. No.
Lower Admin. Amy. BarkingCow. -
Lower Admin. Amy. ShadowFox. -
Super User. Agnus. MandaKay. No.
Super User. Agnus. Heaven. No.
Pseudo SU. Chips. None. -

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The Hard Coded Admin are there to build the talker and it's web site, they pay for its hosting too. They monitor all talker matters and deal with all situations as they see fit. The term "hard coded" means that any HCA member has their name coded into the talker itself where as other names are saved in "pfiles" which can be lost. HCA names are never lost.
Normal Admin members are put in place by the HCA to help out with the day-to-day running of the talker with no commitment to actually contributing to its running costs. They add their voice to any decisions which need making and in doing so carry equal weight to the HCAs.
Lower Admin.
LA differ from Admin because although they also help to run the talker they have no say in how it is coded. While they may comment on the code and can request changes they have no right to vote on such matters. LA are also charged with looking after lower staff members and making sure the staff are aware of how they should act.
Super User.
SUs police the talker and deal with any trouble makers such as abusive residents. They have commands which enable them to remove unwanted trouble from the talker by forcing a closed connection on the offending person. Another important task SUs are expected to perform is that of granting new users "res" although all the higher ranks can do this it is usually left to the SUs if any are on-line.
Pseudo Super User.
PSUs are SUs in training, they have limited commands to avoid too much confusion and to get them used to life as an SU. They may or may not be promoted to full SU depending on their progress.

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Copyright the talker Amiga Forever administration, 1999.
For other copyright details see here.